Covid-Safe Dance School Rules*:

  • Teaching staff and students ONLY are to enter teaching spaces. All parents to remain outside the Community Centre or in the Foyer, unless invited into the rooms by the teacher.

  • All students to arrive in dance attire, with the exception of those students on the Walking School Bus from South Melbourne Parks Primary School (these students may get changed at the Community Centre).

  • All students must be booked into classes via our website. No ‘walk-ups’ will be allowed.

  • Everyone (staff and students) are to sanitize their hands upon entering the Dance Studio.

  • Classes will be kept to appropriate numbers according to current guidelines issued by the relevant health authorities.

  • All common used surfaces, eg. barres, doorways, will be disinfected and wiped down between classes.

  • There will be a timetable gap, to ensure disinfecting can take place.

  • All students will be asked to bring their own water bottle.

  • Social distancing rules will be maintained.

  • Where applicable and necessary, all staff will wear a face mask within current State Government guidelines. This may need to be removed for teaching some classes.

  • Where we are notified of a child or teacher having tested positive for COVID after attending classes at South Melbourne, all families will be notified by text or email.

*These rules will be updated in accordance with the State Government guideline updates from time to time.